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Swift Control PRO - Quick Access Everything

Swift Control PRO - Quick Access Everything v1.4.7

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Well-known member
Staff member
May 24, 2018
Babak submitted a new resource:

Swift Control PRO - Quick Access Everything - Download Swift Control PRO - Quick Access Everything Nulled Free Premium Plugin

Download Swift Control PRO - Quick Access Everything Nulled Free Premium Plugin
Quickly access all important areas of your WordPress website.

Quick Access
A simple panel to make navigating WordPress easy. Quickly access the key areas of your website.
Better User Experience
Replace the WordPress Admin Bar with WP Swift Control for the best possible User Experience.
Faster Editing

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1.4.10 attached.


  • swift-control-pro-1.4.10.zip
    1.5 MB · Views: 20
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@Babak new update.. can you help?

Version 1.4.12 - May 25, 2021​

  • Fixed: FontAwesome icons don’t render properly on Swift Controls settings page if other 3rd party plugins load an older version of FA across the entire WordPress admin
swift-control-pro-1.4.10.zip nulled

Version 1.4.10 - March 02, 2021​

  • New: Added Super Admin to user roles selection on multisite networks

Version - December 06, 2020​

  • WordPress 5.6 compatibility
  • Tweak: replace {Post_Type} with the actual singular name of the post type for it to be translatable

Version 1.4.8 - October 15, 2020​

  • New: Improved Divi integration
  • Tweak: Minor tweaks & improvements
  • Fixed: Icon picker won't load properly in some browsers

These two updates are missing​

Version 1.4.12 - May 25, 2021​

  • Fixed: FontAwesome icons don’t render properly on Swift Controls settings page if other 3rd party plugins load an older version of FA across the entire WordPress admin

Version 1.4.11 - April 06, 2021​

  • Fixed: Fatal error with Brizy when viewing non-supported post types

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