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WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platforms

WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform v4.3.3 12-29-2023

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hello everyone. or maybe someone can help me set up youmoney payment. it seems that I do everything according to the documentation, but for some reason when I make a payment, the account is not replenished on the site
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Wondertag version 2.4.1 does not display correctly in wowonder 4.0.1


The default theme WoWonder v2.5 and Sunshine v1.0 also fails


only theme works Wondertag v2.3.6

I have deleted the "theme" directory on the hosting and I have uploaded the "theme" directory of the original and it does not load any of the "sunshine" and "wowonder" themes

How can it be solved?

I appreciate your help
Thank you very much
check php version, 7.4
Guys it seems i have a slight problem, i can't generate more than 9842 urls in my sitemap, can anyone help? or at least suggest some options where i can generate a sitemap? Currently my wowonder script generated about 12,067 posts, has 1,378 but only 9,842 urls in my sitemap when i submit to google webmaster tools.
post here the error log or the log from the development console. I will try to help you
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do you have https or http?
This Wowonder V4.0.1 are not Nulled. Please Give Me Nulled Script 🥺🥺


  • Screenshot 2022-06-19 133836.jpg
    Screenshot 2022-06-19 133836.jpg
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  • Screenshot 2022-06-19 133858.jpg
    Screenshot 2022-06-19 133858.jpg
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hello, how are you guys, I was installing the theme here on my hosting and I came across an infinite login screen in several ways to solve and what seems to be the error is in the config

// +----------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------+
// | @author Deen Doughouz (DoughouzForest)
// | @author_url 1: http://www.wowonder.com
// | @author_url 2: http://codecanyon.net/user/doughouzforest
// | @author_email: [email protected]
// +----------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------+
// | WoWonder - The best PHP social networking platform
// | Copyright (c) 2016 WoWonder. All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------+
// MySQL hostname
$sql_db_host = "";
// MySQL database user
$sql_db_user = "";
// MySQL database password
$sql_db_pass = "";
// MySQL database name
$sql_db_name = "";

// website URL
$site_url = "http://yoursite.com"; // for example (http://example.com)
The right would be:

$site_url = "httpS://yoursite.com"; // for example (http://example.com)

and so understand my problem
Hi everyone.. I'm looking for WoWonder v4.0.1 UNTOUCHED & ORIGINAL script.. previous links shared in this conversation chain doesn't work at all.. if someone has WoWonder v4.0.1 Original & Untouched PHP Script then please help.. And if someone could also provide any Original Purchase Code then it would be wonderful.. Please Help..!!
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